Misc. County Birth Records

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View Entry First & Middle Name Last Name County Roll # Database Death Records Date of Birth Link
View Entry infant McConnell White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 3, 1881
View Entry infant Metcalf White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 31, 1881
View Entry infant Millsap White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records May 8, 1881
View Entry infant Rogers White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 3, 1881
View Entry infant Saylors White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records November 25, 1881
View Entry infant Snodgrass White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 11, 1881
View Entry infant Ward White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 26, 1881
View Entry infant Cooley White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 30, 1882
View Entry infant Duckworth White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records November 15, 1881
View Entry infant Fraser White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 13, 1882
View Entry infant Hudgens White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 15, 1882
View Entry infant Johnson White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 3, 1881
View Entry Ida M. Lowry White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 25, 1882
View Entry infant McAuley White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 21, 1882
View Entry infant Moore White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records February 7, 1882
View Entry infant Oaks White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 14, 1881
View Entry infant Officer White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 16, 1881
View Entry infant Poor White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 9, 1881
View Entry infant Potts White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records February 8, 1882
View Entry infant Simpson White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records November 1, 1881
View Entry infant Stamps White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 5, 1881
View Entry infant Turney White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 28, 1882
View Entry infant Asbury White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records June 14, 1882
View Entry infant Brewington White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 9, 1882
View Entry infant Carrick White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records March 3, 1882
View Entry infant Dibrell White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records May 6, 1882
View Entry infant Esland White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 27, 1882
View Entry infant Goddard White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records April 14, 1882
View Entry infant Hill White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records March 30, 1882
View Entry infant Hill White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records March 3, 1882
View Entry infant Hill White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records April 13, 1882
View Entry infant Hutchings White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records April 3, 1882
View Entry Isaac Jones White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records May 1, 1881
View Entry infant Marchbanks White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records May 17, 1882
View Entry Isaac McGuire Tabers White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records May 22, 1882
View Entry infant Wallace White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records May 16, 1882
View Entry Isham Bane White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 7, 1881
View Entry I. Davis Cokley White 56 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 15, 1881
View Entry infant Covington Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 3, 1881
View Entry infant Cunningham Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 2, 1881
View Entry infant Grizzard Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 15, 1881
View Entry infant Harrison Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records April 3, 1881
View Entry infant Harrison Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records June 10, 1881
View Entry infant Hopkins Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 21, 1881
View Entry infant Johnson Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records May 5, 1881
View Entry infant King Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 13, 1881
View Entry infant Kinnard Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 6, 1881
View Entry infant Ladd Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 26, 1881
View Entry infant McGavock Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 2, 1881
View Entry infant Miller Williamson 121 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 12, 1881
