Misc. County Birth Records

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View Entry First & Middle Name Last Name County Roll # Database Death Records Date of Birth Link
View Entry infant Carr Roane 142 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 4, 1881
View Entry infant Crozier Roane 142 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 7, 1881
View Entry infant Ervin Roane 142 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 2, 1881
View Entry infant Guy Roane 142 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 15, 1881
View Entry infant Peterman Roane 142 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 13, 1881
View Entry infant Vann Roane 142 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 25, 1881
View Entry infant Broxton Roane 142 Miscellaneous County Birth Records June 17, 1881
View Entry infant Davis Roane 142 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 19, 1881
View Entry infant Hamby Roane 142 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 22, 1881
View Entry infant Earthman Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 28, 1881
View Entry infant Leaper Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records June 30, 1881
View Entry infant Smith Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 6, 1881
View Entry infant Sublet Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 20, 1881
View Entry infant Talley Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 5, 1881
View Entry infant Thomas Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records June 28, 1881
View Entry infant Thompson Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 31, 1881
View Entry infant Brockwell Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 1, 1881
View Entry infant Cagle Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 2, 1881
View Entry infant Grundy Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records July 12, 1881
View Entry infant Hoskins Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records June 19, 1881
View Entry Ida Kerr Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 9, 1881
View Entry infant Lytle Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records June 28, 1881
View Entry infant Miller Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 16, 1881
View Entry infant Witherspoon Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 2, 1881
View Entry infant Buggs Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 30, 1881
View Entry infant Davidson Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 16, 1881
View Entry infant Drumright Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 8, 1881
View Entry infant Gannaway Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 27, 1881
View Entry infant Kerr Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 11, 1881
View Entry infant Mancy Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 10, 1881
View Entry infant Reed Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records August 6, 1881
View Entry infant Baird Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records November 9, 1881
View Entry infant Bergdorf Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records September 17, 1881
View Entry infant Graham Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records November 28, 1881
View Entry infant Martin Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 27, 1881
View Entry infant Smith Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records October 9, 1881
View Entry Infant Adams Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 11, 1881
View Entry Infant Hill Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 5, 1881
View Entry Infant Miller Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records November 21, 1881
View Entry Infant Wright Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 9, 1881
View Entry infant Brannon Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 25, 1881
View Entry infant Drumright Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 1, 1882
View Entry infant Hutchins Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 1, 1882
View Entry infant Jones Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 26, 1882
View Entry infant Keeble Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 21, 1882
View Entry infant Nelson Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 25, 1881
View Entry infant Rosenfeld Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 25, 1881
View Entry infant Rosenfeld Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records January 1, 1881
View Entry infant Williams Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records March 11, 1882
View Entry Infant Buck Rutherford 287 Miscellaneous County Birth Records March 19, 1881
