Miscellaneous County Death Records

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View Entry First & Middle Name Last Name County Age Sex Roll # Database Death Records Date of Death / Notice / Obituary Link
View Entry Nancy Gregory Smith 72 F 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 7, 1882
View Entry Nannie McMeckin Rutherford 41 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 12, 1882
View Entry Nancy Marble Rutherford 66 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 17, 1882
View Entry Nancy E. Ray Jackson 33 F 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 17, 1882
View Entry Nancy E. Roy Jackson 33 F 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 17, 1882
View Entry Nancy E. Roy Jackson 33 F 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 17, 1882
View Entry Ned Haynes Rutherford 63 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 25, 1882
View Entry Nancy Maney Rutherford 64 F 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 8, 1882
View Entry Nancy Maney Rutherford 64 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 8, 1882
View Entry Nancy Walker Blount 53 F 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 12, 1882
View Entry Nancy S. Puckett Rutherford 69 F 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 27, 1882
View Entry Nancy L. Puckett Rutherford 69 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 27, 1882
View Entry Nancy King Anderson 78 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 26, 1892
View Entry Nettie Guy Anderson 18 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 6, 1896
View Entry Nellie Ivy Anderson 10 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 19, 1896
View Entry Oscar Wiley Lauderdale 30 M 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 26, 1881
View Entry Ophelia Hooker Rutherford 62 F 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 27, 1881
View Entry Ophelia Hooker Rutherford 62 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 27, 1881
View Entry Oliver C. Johnson Jackson 96 M 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 4, 1881
View Entry Oscar Swindle White 1 month M 56 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 5, 1881
View Entry Ora May Durham Sumner 3 F 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 10, 1881
View Entry Orville Harrison Sumner 55 M 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 16, 1882
View Entry O. I. Wheeler Rutherford 8 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 26, 1882
View Entry Oscar Currins Rutherford 39 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 2, 1882
View Entry Oscar Curran Rutherford 5 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 2, 1882
View Entry Purdy L. Jetton Rutherford 71 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 9, 1811
View Entry Poke Howe Benton 18 F 63 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 21, 1881
View Entry Parmelia Wyatt Rutherford 55 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 26, 1881
View Entry Preston Hord Rutherford 21 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 5, 1881
View Entry Powell Sanders Rutherford 2 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 20, 1881
View Entry Polly Bush Smith 71 F 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 24, 1881
View Entry Parthian Morton Jackson F 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 3, 1881
View Entry Porter Dunn Wayne 29 M 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 7, 1881
View Entry Peter House Sumner 91 M 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 3, 1881
View Entry Polly Parrish Sumner 90 F 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 10, 1881
View Entry Phillip Wesley Payne Smith M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 15, 1881
View Entry Pinkney Ogle Sevier M 28 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 31, 1881
View Entry Parthenia Swindle White 1 F 56 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 4, 1881
View Entry Purdy D. Jetton Rutherford 71 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 9, 1881
View Entry Phoebe Bard Rutherford 55 F 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 13, 1881
View Entry Phoeby Bunch Rutherford 58 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 13, 1881
View Entry Pheby Dodson Benton 33 F 63 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 26, 1881
View Entry Phoebe Beasley Obion 20 F 43 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 29, 1881
View Entry Phebe Hampton Sumner 85 F 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 1, 1881
View Entry Philip Joyner Sumner 75 M 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 2, 1881
View Entry Polly Green Jackson 30 F 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 9, 1881
View Entry Polly Dunn Rutherford F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 13, 1881
View Entry Patrick Shea Blount 31 M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 3, 1881
View Entry Pollie Hoover Rutherford F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 5, 1881
View Entry Peter Barker Rutherford 25 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 10, 1881
