Miscellaneous County Death Records

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View Entry First & Middle Name Last Name County Age Sex Roll # Database Death Records Date of Death / Notice / Obituary Link
View Entry Greene Creekmore Anderson 30 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 26, 1891
View Entry Georgia O. Smith Anderson 15 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 2, 1894
View Entry Gertrude Alvison Anderson 9 months F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 16, 1895
View Entry George Bradshaw Anderson 70 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 28, 1895
View Entry Georgia Cox Anderson 2 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 23, 1898
View Entry Henry W. Miller Henry 46 M 101 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 27, 1881
View Entry Hardy H. Miller Rutherford 29 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 28, 1881
View Entry Harriett Akins Rutherford 28 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 4, 1881
View Entry Harriett Atkins Rutherford 30 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 5, 1881
View Entry Harriett Murfree Rutherford 12 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 13, 1881
View Entry Henry Haynes Rutherford 22 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 20, 1881
View Entry Harriet Trimble Rutherford 22 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 6, 1881
View Entry Hattie Owen Williamson 21 F 121 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 22, 1881
View Entry Henry Baker Blount 50 M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 1, 1881
View Entry Hattie Coley Henry 6 F 101 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 11, 1881
View Entry Hester Revel Henry 15 F 101 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 12, 1881
View Entry Houston Whitesides Sumner 23 F 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 16, 1881
View Entry Henry Crews Sumner 29 M 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 29, 1881
View Entry Hattie Smith Smith 2 F 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 30, 1881
View Entry Houston Raney Rutherford 52 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 14, 1881
View Entry Henry Sewell Franklin 64 M 96 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 14, 1881
View Entry Henry Butler Rutherford 13 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 25, 1881
View Entry Henry Johnson Franklin 20 months M 96 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 25, 1881
View Entry Henry Butler Rutherford 13 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 28, 1881
View Entry Hugh S. Totty Benton 4 months M 63 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 6, 1881
View Entry Harriett Dillon Rutherford 28 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 1, 1881
View Entry Henry W. Macey Rutherford 48 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 1, 1881
View Entry Henry W. McNairy Rutherford 48 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 1, 1881
View Entry Hezekiah Hill Rutherford 80 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 8, 1881
View Entry Howard Smith Rutherford M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 9, 1881
View Entry Harriet Martin Sumner 38 F 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 10, 1881
View Entry Harriett Shad Rutherford 55 F 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 11, 1881
View Entry Harriet Shad Rutherford 55 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 11, 1881
View Entry Henry Phillips Rutherford 20 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 16, 1881
View Entry Henry Butler Rutherford 14 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 20, 1881
View Entry Henry Butler Rutherford 14 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 20, 1881
View Entry Henry Butler Lauderdale 1 M 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 21, 1881
View Entry Hezekiah Hill Rutherford 80 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 31, 1881
View Entry Henry West Blount 60 M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 4, 1881
View Entry Hyrum McCoy Jackson 80 M 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 10, 1881
View Entry H. T. Williams Cheatham 34 M 45 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 1, 1881
View Entry Henry E. Brazeal White 23 M 56 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 2, 1881
View Entry H. Alexander Rutherford 16 months M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 10, 1881
View Entry Hallie Allen Rutherford 07 months F 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 18, 1881
View Entry Hattie Allen Rutherford 7 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 18, 1881
View Entry Harriett C. Pellet Franklin 34 F 96 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 20, 1881
View Entry Hattie Ezell Obion 31 F 43 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 10, 1882
View Entry Harley Hale Rutherford 28 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 10, 1882
View Entry Henderson Wolf Smith 64 M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 4, 1882
View Entry Henry Horton Smith Smith 3 months M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 9, 1882
