Miscellaneous County Death Records

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View Entry First & Middle Name Last Name County Age Sex Roll # Database Death Records Date of Death / Notice / Obituary Link
View Entry James Hutchison Benton 45 M 63 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 26, 1881
View Entry James Moultrie Obion 2 M 43 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 7, 1881
View Entry Jessie Page Obion 50 M 43 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 11, 1881
View Entry John A. Dyer Blount 52 M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 24, 1881
View Entry James Marshall Teffesteller Blount 11 months M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 24, 1881
View Entry Jacob Slack Cheatham 79 M 45 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 26, 1881
View Entry Jackson Walling White 21 M 56 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 29, 1881
View Entry James Swancy Rutherford 1 day M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 8, 1881
View Entry James Thomas Rutherford 7 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 8, 1881
View Entry John Keith Obion 78 M 43 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 11, 1881
View Entry John Wilkerson Blount 63 M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 12, 1881
View Entry James H. Blaylock Henry 29 M 101 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 16, 1881
View Entry John J. Shearon Cheatham M 45 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 17, 1881
View Entry John Jones Rutherford 69 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 18, 1881
View Entry Jane Pace Cheatham F 45 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 21, 1881
View Entry James B. King Rutherford 1 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 22, 1881
View Entry Jane Hatfield Sequatchie 98 F 19 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 25, 1881
View Entry John McCormack Smith 76 M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 25, 1881
View Entry John J. Neely Rutherford 48 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 4, 1881
View Entry John Braudham Roane 73 M 142 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 6, 1881
View Entry James Cate Roane 18 months M 142 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 8, 1881
View Entry James Davis Blount 24 M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 8, 1881
View Entry James P. Cates Roane 1 M 142 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 9, 1881
View Entry Jane Davis Blount 65 F 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 9, 1881
View Entry Jane M. Henson Jackson 16 F 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 15, 1881
View Entry John Summers Rutherford 45 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 16, 1881
View Entry Joseph Esie Rutherford 18 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 17, 1881
View Entry James Noles Brooks Perry 20 M 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 18, 1881
View Entry J. William Adams Rutherford 45 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 29, 1881
View Entry John Lockhart Doxey Sumner 56 M 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 1, 1881
View Entry Jane Madden Jackson F 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 4, 1881
View Entry James Henry Pigg Wayne 7 days M 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 9, 1881
View Entry John Perry Atchley Sevier 33 M 28 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 11, 1881
View Entry James Ballard Lauderdale 25 M 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 11, 1881
View Entry James Celera Rutherford 02 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 13, 1881
View Entry James Clem Rutherford 2 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 13, 1881
View Entry James Yeargan Rutherford 3 months M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 20, 1881
View Entry Judy Crockett Williamson 1 F 121 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 22, 1881
View Entry Joseph J. Danielly Rutherford 1 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 23, 1881
View Entry Joseph J. Donnelly Rutherford M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 23, 1881
View Entry John Jackson Williamson 82 M 121 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 5, 1881
View Entry James Cozart Rutherford 1 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 8, 1881
View Entry James T. Hoover White 11 M 56 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 13, 1881
View Entry Joseph Thompson Roane 2 M 142 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 14, 1881
View Entry John Pigg Wayne 17 days M 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 15, 1881
View Entry James Stillman Sevier 33 M 28 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 18, 1881
View Entry John L. Davis Rutherford 8 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 21, 1881
View Entry John Low White 25 M 56 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 25, 1881
View Entry J. Alvin Meadows Jackson 1 M 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 27, 1881
View Entry Joe Wilson Williamson 84 M 121 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 28, 1881
