Miscellaneous County Death Records

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View Entry First & Middle Name Last Name County Age Sex Roll # Database Death Records Date of Death / Notice / Obituary Link
View Entry John C. Jamison Rutherford 8 months M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 4, 1881
View Entry John Carter Jamison Rutherford 1 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 4, 1881
View Entry James Gray Franklin 9 M 96 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 12, 1881
View Entry Jacob R. Simmons Rutherford 46 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 13, 1881
View Entry Jacob R. Summers Rutherford 46 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 13, 1881
View Entry James Rufus Anderson Sevier 1 month M 28 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 21, 1881
View Entry Jeff Anglin Cheatham 22 M 45 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 22, 1881
View Entry John Arnold Franklin 5 M 96 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 28, 1881
View Entry Josephine Parker Smith 21 F 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 29, 1881
View Entry Janna White Hudson Blount 75 F 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 8, 1882
View Entry John Allen Turner Rutherford 7 months M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 9, 1882
View Entry John Burgess Jackson 26 M 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 10, 1882
View Entry John Burgess Jackson 26 M 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 10, 1882
View Entry Joseph Gray Franklin 21 F 96 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 13, 1882
View Entry Judith A. Jackson Rutherford 57 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 14, 1882
View Entry Judith A. Jackson Rutherford 57 F 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 17, 1882
View Entry James S. Lindsay Sevier 3 M 28 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 20, 1882
View Entry John G. Martin Perry M 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 20, 1882
View Entry Josie Ethel Tubbs Perry 8 months F 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 26, 1882
View Entry Josie Mel Tubbs Perry 8 months F 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 26, 1882
View Entry Jasper Sewel Milum Perry 13 M 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 30, 1882
View Entry Jasper Sewell Milum Perry 13 M 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 30, 1882
View Entry John Petty Henry 31 M 101 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 31, 1882
View Entry James Kidd Blount 65 M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 5, 1882
View Entry James A. Hargis Rutherford 1 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 11, 1882
View Entry John Rascoe Sumner 10 days M 90 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 18, 1882
View Entry Julia Ann Barnes Williamson 22 F 121 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 21, 1882
View Entry Joseph Sublet Rutherford 3 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 23, 1882
View Entry Joseph Sublett Rutherford 03 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 23, 1882
View Entry John A. Carnahan Jackson 36 M 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 28, 1882
View Entry John G. Hughling Wayne 72 M 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 1, 1882
View Entry John Wesley Atchley Sevier 56 M 28 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 5, 1882
View Entry John Coggins Smith 56 M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 12, 1882
View Entry Jane Ackerson Rutherford 50 F 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 15, 1882
View Entry Jane Atkinson Rutherford 50 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 18, 1882
View Entry Joseph Nichols Blount M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 24, 1882
View Entry Joseph Ambrister Blount 64 M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records March 27, 1882
View Entry Joseph E. White Jackson 5 M 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 11, 1882
View Entry Jacob Joshua Mooney Henry 33 M 101 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 13, 1882
View Entry James Cawthorn Rutherford 74 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 18, 1882
View Entry James Crathon Rutherford 74 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 18, 1882
View Entry James L. Kemp Smith 1 M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 30, 1882
View Entry John Dilly Smith 23 M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 8, 1882
View Entry James S. King Smith 11 months M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 8, 1882
View Entry Jessie Williams White 1 M 56 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 8, 1882
View Entry John Turner Rutherford 7 months M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 9, 1882
View Entry James Washington Hughes Williamson 21 M 121 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 10, 1882
View Entry James Albert Newby Blount 08 months M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 13, 1882
View Entry Joseph G. Gallaher Wayne 52 M 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 17, 1882
View Entry John Jones Rutherford 69 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 18, 1882
