Miscellaneous County Death Records

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View Entry First & Middle Name Last Name County Age Sex Roll # Database Death Records Date of Death / Notice / Obituary Link
View Entry James Walker Blount 92 M 137 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 22, 1882
View Entry John C. Rutledge Wayne 53 M 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 22, 1882
View Entry Jane Ewing Wendel Rutherford 44 F 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 18, 1882
View Entry John Crawford Rutherford 89 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 21, 1882
View Entry John Crawford Rutherford 8 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 21, 1882
View Entry Jimmie Buckheart Rutherford 03 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 25, 1882
View Entry James Lillard Rutherford 35 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 25, 1882
View Entry James Lillard Rutherford 37 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 25, 1882
View Entry Jonnie Burkhart Rutherford 3 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 26, 1882
View Entry John Philander Rice Rutherford 64 M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 30, 1882
View Entry John Philander Rice Rutherford 64 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records July 30, 1882
View Entry Julia Smith Rutherford 6 days F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 3, 1882
View Entry James Acklin Wayne 13 M 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 5, 1882
View Entry James I. Odell Lauderdale 8 months M 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 5, 1882
View Entry John B. Dixon Wayne 26 M 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 6, 1882
View Entry Judia Walker Lauderdale 17 F 16 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 6, 1882
View Entry Jane Weaver Wayne 64 F 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 7, 1882
View Entry Julie Wolf Wayne 18 F 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 1, 1882
View Entry Jane Ewing Windel Rutherford 11 F 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 18, 1882
View Entry John S. Hall Rutherford 6 months M 267 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 24, 1882
View Entry John Shiras Hill Rutherford 6 months M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 24, 1882
View Entry John Jones Henry 42 M 101 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 6, 1882
View Entry James B. Ross Smith 2 M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 13, 1882
View Entry Jessie Gentry Smith 83 M 103 Miscellaneous County Death Records November 15, 1882
View Entry Joseph H. Nelson Rutherford 79 M 287 Miscellaneous County Death Records December 16, 1882
View Entry James Cristian Wayne 54 M 60 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 3, 1883
View Entry Jefferson Wilson Jackson 78 M 25 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 14, 1883
View Entry Julia Medaris Anderson 1 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 26, 1891
View Entry J. W. Allred Anderson 82 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 26, 1891
View Entry Jane Hickson Anderson 70 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 26, 1891
View Entry John Simonds Anderson 86 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 26, 1892
View Entry John Dunaway Anderson 80 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 26, 1892
View Entry James Van Anderson 23 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 17, 1893
View Entry James Stair Anderson 71 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 30, 1893
View Entry J. W. Alred Anderson 73 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 12, 1893
View Entry Jane Carden Anderson 47 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 26, 1893
View Entry James Bennett Anderson M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 5, 1893
View Entry J. Fowler Anderson 4 months M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 4, 1893
View Entry Josiah Reaves Anderson 10 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 9, 1893
View Entry Jane Adams Anderson 64 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 10, 1893
View Entry John Hall Anderson 13 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records February 10, 1894
View Entry John P. Morton Anderson 39 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 16, 1894
View Entry J. M. Foster Anderson 27 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records October 19, 1894
View Entry John Mosley Anderson 74 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records January 7, 1895
View Entry Jerry T. Woods Anderson 7 months M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 12, 1895
View Entry James Duke McDowell Anderson 1 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records August 24, 1895
View Entry Josephine Wade Anderson 55 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records September 29, 1895
View Entry Jennie Cox Anderson 6 F 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records April 9, 1896
View Entry James Clack Anderson 24 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records May 9, 1896
View Entry Joe Hays Nelson Anderson 2 M 27 Miscellaneous County Death Records June 21, 1896
